JavaScript Docker: Hot Reloading React and Express There is little doubt that Docker has improved developer experience over the years but it's also easy to argue that continually rebuilding images to pull in changes takes away from developer experience. Let's look at introducing hot reloading in our docker flow!
React React + TypeScript Use React and TypeScript together to get code suggestion, error highlighting, and self-documenting components which allow one to build scalable software!
React React Snippets in VS Code The VS Code ES7 React/Redux/React-Native/JS Snippets extension is truly amazing. It allows for quick scaffolding with just a few taps of the keyboard!
React React.Fragment Use the React.Fragment component to make code shorter and more succinct, by removing unused HTML elements from the DOM.
JavaScript Higher Order Functions In efforts to reduce redundancy, I've been abstracting certain operations into Higher Order Functions (HOF). A HOF is a function which receives a function as an argument or returns a function.
JavaScript The Power of Async Await Working with promises has become more comfortable since the introduction of async/await and in my opinion it makes code more readable.
JavaScript Destructuring Assignment This syntax makes it possible for one to unpack values/properties from arrays/objects and assign them to distinct variables. Let's look at why it's such a handy expression!
JavaScript Spread Syntax I love when "new" (is ES6 still considered new?!) syntax comes along which improves readability and makes code more succinct -- the Spread syntax does just that!